Epoch 677936

2024-06-29 03:19:40 +0000 UTC (2 day. ago)
104 (0.0962 ETH)
Slashings P / A:
0 / 0
Correct Target Votes:
173079 ETH of 204091 ETH (84.8%)
Correct Head Votes:
172855 ETH of 204091 ETH (84.7%)
Total Votes:
173079 ETH of 204091 ETH (84.8%)
Sync Participation:
99.41 % (only counting proposed blocks)
Avg. Validator Balance:
37.9730 ETH
Epoch Slot Status Time Proposer Attestations Deposits / Exits Slashings P / A Tx Count Sync Agg % Graffiti
677936 10846991 Proposed 2 day. ago 4718 3 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 99.41% gateway.fm
677936 10846990 Proposed 2 day. ago 788 6 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 99.41% chiado-lodestar-0
677936 10846989 Proposed 2 day. ago 4362 3 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 99.41% gateway.fm
677936 10846988 Proposed 2 day. ago 4665 3 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 99.41% gateway.fm
677936 10846987 Proposed 2 day. ago 2644 3 0 / 0 0 / 0 1 99.41% GDO
677936 10846986 Proposed 2 day. ago 4175 3 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 99.41% gateway.fm
677936 10846985 Proposed 2 day. ago 2384 7 0 / 0 0 / 0 2 99.41% GDO
677936 10846984 Missed 2 day. ago 6506
677936 10846983 Proposed 2 day. ago 3946 3 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 99.41% GDO
677936 10846982 Proposed 2 day. ago 4644 6 0 / 0 0 / 0 3 99.41% gateway.fm
677936 10846981 Missed 2 day. ago 6900
677936 10846980 Proposed 2 day. ago 5493 6 0 / 0 0 / 0 1 99.41% gateway.fm
677936 10846979 Missed 2 day. ago 6576
677936 10846978 Proposed 2 day. ago 2119 3 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 99.41% GDO
677936 10846977 Proposed 2 day. ago 2621 3 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 99.41% GDO
677936 10846976 Proposed 2 day. ago 4278 3 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 99.41% gateway.fm